Peer-reviewed publications:
Moreau S., Hattermann T., de Steur L., Kauko H. M., Ahonen H., Ardelan M., Assmy P., Chierici M., Descamps S., Dinter T., Falkenhaug T., Fransson A., Grønningsæter E., Halfredsson E., Lebrun A., Lowther A., Lubcker N., Monteiro P., Peeken I., Roychoudhury A., Róźańska M., Ryan-Keogh T., Sanchez N., Singh A., Simonsen J.-H., Steiger N., Thomalla S. J., van Tonder A., Wiktor J., and Steen H. 2023. Wind-driven upwelling sustains dense blooms and food webs in eastern Weddell Gyre. Nature Communications 14, 1303. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36992-1
Corckill M., Moreau S., Janssens J., Fraser A. D., Heil P., Tison J.-L., Cougnon E., Genovese C., Kimura N., Meiners K. M., Wongpan P., and Lannuzel D. 2023. Physical and biogeochemical properties of rotten East Antarctic summer sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC018875. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JC018875
H. M. Kauko, P. Assmy, I. Peeken, M. Róźańska, J. Wiktor, G. Bratbak, A. Singh, T. Ryan-Keogh, S. Moreau. 2022. Phytoplankton community composition in Kong Håkon VII Hav, Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-19-5449-202
A. Della Penna, J. Llort, S. Moreau, R. Patel, R. Kloser, P. Strutton, P. Boyd, P. Gaube. 2022. The impact of a Southern Ocean eddy on mesopelagic micronekton. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC018893. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JC018893
J. Gutt, S. Arndt, D. K. A. Barnes, H. Bornemann, T. Brey, O. Eisen, H. Flores, H. Griffiths, C. Haas, S. Hain, T. Hattermann, C. Held, M. Hoppema, E. Isla, M. Janout, C. Le Bohec, H. Link, F. C. Mark, S. Moreau, H.-O. Pörtner, F. Schaafsma, K. Teschke, S. Tippenhauer, S. Trimborn, A. Van de Putte, I. van Opzeeland, M. Wege, D. Zitterbart, and D. Piepenburg. A framework to observe, understand, and project ecosystem response to environmental change in the East Antarctic Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences https://bg.copernicus.org/preprints/bg-2022-110/bg-2022-110.pdf
L. Ratnarajah, V. Puigcorbé, S. Moreau, M. Rocca-Marti, J. Janssens, M. Corkill, L. Duprat, C. Genovese, Jan L. Lieser, P, Masqué, D. Lannuzel. 2022. Distribution and export of particulate organic carbon in East Antarctic coastal polynyas. Deep-Sea Research part I (190), 103899 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103899
A. Lowther; C. von Quilldfeldt; P. Assmy; L. De Steur; S. Descamps; D. Divine; S. Elvevold; M. Forwick; A. Fransson; A Fraser; S. Gerland; M. Granskog; I. Hallanger; T. Hattermann; M. Itkin; H. Hop; K. Husum; K. M Kovacs; C. Lydersen; K. M atsuoka; A. Miettinen; G. Moholdt; S. Moreau; P. I. Myhre; L. Orme; O. Pavlova; A. H. Solberg Tandberg. 2022.A review of the scientific knowledge of the seascape off Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Polar Biology https://doi.org/10.1007/s00300-022-03059-8
N. Steiner; J. Bowman; K. Campbell; M. Chierici, E. Eronen-Rasimus, M. Falardeau, H. Flores, A. Fransson, H. Herr, S. Insley, H. Kauko, D. Lannuzel, L. Loseto, A. Lynnes, A. Majewski, K. Meiners, L Miller, L. Michel, S. Moreau, M. Nacke, D. Nomura, L. Tedesco, J. Andries van Franeker, M. van Leeuwe, P. Wongpan. 2021. Climate change impacts on sea-ice ecosystems and associated ecosystem services. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9 (1): 00007. https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.00007
P. Duarte, A. Meyer and S. Moreau. 2021. Nutrients in waters masses in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean: temporal trends, mixing and links with primary production. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017413. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC017413
A. Roukaerts, F. Deman, F. Van der Linden, G. Carnat, A. Bratkic, S. Moreau, D. Lannuzel, F. Dehairs, B. Delille, J.-L. Tison, F. Fripiat. 2021. The biogeochemical role of a microbial biofilm in sea ice: Antarctic fast ice as a case study. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene 9: 1. doi: https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2020.00134
H. M. Kauko, T. Hattermann, T. Ryan-Keogh, A. Singh, L. de Steur, A. Fransson, M. Chierici, T. Falkenhaug, E. H. Hallfredsson, G. Bratbak, T. Tsagaraki, T. Berge, Q. Zhou, S. Moreau. 2021. Phenology and environmental control of phytoplankton blooms in the Kong Håkon VII Hav in the Southern Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:623856. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.623856
M. H. Pinkerton, P. Boyd, S. Deppeler; J. Hofer, A. Hayward, S. Moreau. 2021. Evidence for the impact of climate change on primary producers in the Southern Ocean. Frontiers Ecology and Evolution. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.592027
O. Crabeck, K. Campbell, , M. Thomas. 2021. The movement of CO2 through the frozen world of sea ice. 2021. Frontiers for Young Minds. 9:516072. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/frym.2020.516072
S. Moreau, P. Boyd, G. Strutton. 2020. Remote assessment of the fate of phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean sea ice zone. Nature Communications, 11: 3108 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16931-0
G. Liniger, P. G. Strutton, D. Lannuzel, S. Moreau. Calving event led to changes in phytoplankton bloom phenology in the Mertz polynya. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans link
D. Lannuzel,L. Tedesco, M. van Leeuwe, K. Campbell, H. Flores, B. Delille, L. Miller, J. Stefels, P. Assmy, J. Bowman, K. Brown, G. Castellani, M. Chierici, O. Crabeck, E. Damm, B. Else, A. Fransson, F. Fripiat, N.-X. Geilfus, C. Jacques, E. Jones, H. Kaartokallio, M. Kotovitch, K. Meiners, S. Moreau, D. Nomura, I. Peeken, J.-M. Rintala, N. Steiner, J.-L. Tison, M. Vancoppenolle, F. Van der Linden, M. Vichi, P. Wongpan. The future of Arctic sea-ice biogeochemistry and ice-associated ecosystems. Nature Climate change 10, 983–992 link
L. Duprat, D. LannuzelM. Corckill, C. Genovese, K. M. Meiners,A. T., Townsend, S. Moreau. Iron distribution in East Antarctic summer sea ice: a potential contribution from glacier basal melt.Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans link
F. van der Linden, J.-L. Tison, W. Champenois,S. Moreau, G. Carnat, M. Kotovitch, F. Fripiat, F. Deman, A. Roukaerts, F. Dehairs, S. Wauthy, A. Lourenço, F. Vivier, T. Haskell, and B. Delille. 2020. Sea Ice CO2 Dynamics Across Seasons: Impact of Processes at the Interfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans link
R. Patel, J. Llort, P. G. Strutton, S. Moreau, P. Condepardo, H. E. Phillips, A. Lenton. The biogeochemical Structure of Southern Ocean mesoscale eddies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans link
S. Moreau, D. Lannuzel, J. Janssens, M. C. Arroyo, M. Corkill, E. Cougnon, C. Genovese, B. Legresy, A. Lenton, V. Puigcorbé, L. Ratnarajah, S. Rintoul, M. Roca-Martí, M. Rosenberg, E. H. Shadwick, A. Silvano, P. G. Strutton, B. Tilbrook. 2019. Sea-ice meltwater and circumpolar deep water drive contrasting productivity in three Antarctic polynyas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans Link
S. Lim, S. Moreau, F. Deman, A. Roukaerts, J. Janssens, K.M. Meiners, M. Vancoppenolle, D. Lannuzel. Field observations and modelling suggest low silicon affinity for Antarctic fast ice diatoms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans Link
L. Newman, P. Heil, R. Trebilco, K. Katsumata, A. J. Constable, E. van Wijk, K. Assmann, J. Beja, P. Bricher, R. Coleman, D. Costa, S. Diggs, R. Farneti, S. Fawcett, S. T. Gille, K. R. Hendry, S. F. Henley, E. Hofmann, T. Maksym, M. Mazloff, A. J. S. Meijers, M. P. Meredith, S. Moreau, B Ozsoy, R. Robertson, I. R. Schloss, O. Schofield, J. Shi, E. L Sikes, I. J. Smith, S. Swart, A. Wahlin, G. Williams, M. J. M. Williams, L. Herraiz-Borreguero, S. Kern, J. Lieser, R. Massom, J. Melbourne-Thomas, P. Miloslavich, G. Spreen. 2019. Delivering Sustained, Coordinated and Integrated Observations of the Southern Ocean for Global Impact. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Ocean Observation Link
F. d’Ovidio, A. Pascual, J. Wang, A. Doglioli, J. Zhao, S. Moreau, G. Gregori, S. Swaart, S. Speich, F. Cyr, B. Legresy, Y. Chao, L. Fu, and R. Morrow. 2019. Frontiers in fine scale in situ studies: opportunities duringthe SWOT fast sampling phase. OceanObs’2019 miniReview. Frontiers in Marine Science Link
McCluskey, C. S., T. C. J. Hill, R. S. Humphries, A. M. Rauker, S. Moreau,P. Strutton, S. D. Chambers, A. G. Williams, I. McRobert, J. Ward, M. Keywood, J. Harnwell, W. Ponsoby, Z. Loh, P. Drummel, M. van der Schoot, A. Protat, S. M. Kreidenweis, P. J. DeMott. 2018. Observations of ice nucleating particles over Southern Ocean waters. Geophysical Research Letters Link
Genovese C., Grotti M., Janssens J., Wuttig K., Ardini F., Moreau S. and Lannuzel D. 2018. Influence of sea-ice physics and organic complexation on the DFe distribution in East Antarctic pack ice (SIPEX 2). Marine Chemistry Link
Llort J., Langlais C., Matear R., Moreau S., Lenton A. and Strutton P. 2018. Evaluating Southern Ocean carbon eddy-pump from biogeochemical Argo floats. Journal of Geophysical Research Link
Tison, J.-L., Schwegmann, S., Dieckmann, G., Rintala, J., Freitag, J., Moreau, S., Vancoppenolle, M., Nomura, D., Engberg, S., Bloomster, L. J., Heindrickx, S., Uhlig, C., Luhtanen, A.M., Janssens, J., Zhou, J and Delille, B. 2017. Biogeochemical Impact of Snow Cover and Cyclonic Intrusions on the Winter Weddell Sea Ice Pack. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 122(12):9548-9571 Link
S. Moreau, A. Della Penna, J. Llort, R. Patel, C. Langlais, P. Boyd, R. J. Matear, H. Philips, B. Tilbrook, A. Lenton, P. G. Strutton. 2017. Eddy-induced carbon transport across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 31 (9): 1368-1386. Link
V. Puigcorbé, M. Roca-Martí, P. Masqué, C. Benitez-Nelson, M. Rutgers van der Loeff, A. Bracher, S. Moreau. 2017. Latitudinal distributions of particulate carbon export across the North Western Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I. 129: 116-130 Link
Moreau S., Vancoppenolle M., Bopp L., Aumont O., Madec G., Delille B., Tison J.-L., Pierre-Yves Barriat and Goosse H. 2016. Assessment of the sea-ice carbon pump: Insights from a three-dimensional ocean-sea-ice biogeochemical model (NEMO-LIM-PISCES). Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 4: 000122. pdf
M. Kotovitch, S. Moreau, J. Zhou, M. Vancoppenolle, G. Dieckmann, K.-U Evers, F. Van der Linden, D. Thomas, J.L. Tison, B. Delille. 2016. Air-ice carbon pathways inferred from a sea ice tank experiment. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 4: 000112 pdf
Moreau S., H. Kaartokallio, M. Vancoppenolle, J. Zhou, M. Kotovitch, G. Dieckmann, D. N. Thomas, J.-L. Tison, B. Delille. 2016. Assessing the O2 budget under sea ice: An experimental and modelling approach. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 3: 000080 pdf
N. Steiner, C. Deal, D. Lannuzel, D. Lavoie, F. Massonet, L. Miller, S. Moreau, E. Popova, J. Stefels, L. Tedesco. 2016. What sea-ice biogeochemical modellers need from observationalists. Submitted to Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 4: 000084 pdf
Zhou, J., M. Kotovitch, H. Kaartokallio, S. Moreau, G. Kattner, D.N. Thomas, J. Tison, B. Delille. 2016. The impact of dissolved organic carbon and bacterial respiration on pCO2 in experimental sea ice. Progress in Oceanography, 141: 153-167. Link
Moreau S., Mostajir B., Bélanger S., Schloss I. R., Vancoppenolle M., Demers S. and Ferreyra G. A. 2015. Climate change enhances primary production in the western Antarctic Peninsula. Global Change Biology 21(6):2191-205. Link
Moreau S., Vancoppenolle M., Delille B., Tison J.-L., Zhou J., Kotovitch M., Thomas D., Geilfus N.-X. and Goosse H. 2015. Drivers of inorganic carbon dynamics in first-year sea ice: A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (1) : 471-495. Link
Moreau S., Ferreyra G. A., Mercier B., Lemarchand K., Thyssen M., Almandoz G. O., Hernando M., Schloss I. R., Mostajir B. and Demers S. 2014. Effects of enhanced temperature and ultraviolet B radiation on a natural plankton community of the Beagle Channel (southern Argentina): a mesocosm study. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 72: 155-173. Link
Moreau S., Vancoppenolle M., Zhou J., Tison J.-L., Delille B. and Goosse H. 2014. Modeling argon dynamics in first-year sea ice. Ocean Modelling, 73: 1-18. Link
Moreau S., di Fiori E., Ferreyra G. A., Almandoz G. O., Esteves J. L., Paparazzo F. E. and Schloss I. R. 2013. The role of phytoplankton composition and microbial community metabolism in air-sea ΔpCO2 variation in the Weddell Sea. Deep-Sea Research I, 82: 44-59. Link
M. Vancoppenolle, K. Meiners, C. Michel, L. Bopp, F. Brabant, G. Carnat, B. Delille, D. Lannuzel, G. Madec, S. Moreau, J.-L. Tison, P. van der Merwe. 2013. Role of sea ice in global biogeochemical cycles: emerging views and challenges. Quaternary Science Review, 79: 207-230. Link
Moreau S., Schloss I. R., Mostajir B., Demers S., Almandoz G. O., Ferrario M. E. and Ferreyra G. A. 2012. Influence of microbial community composition and metabolism on air−sea ΔpCO2 variation off the western Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 446: 45–59. Link
Schloss I. R., Abele D., Moreau S., DemersS., Bers V. A., González O. and Ferreyra G. A. 2012. Response of Potter Cove phytoplankton dynamics to long term climate trends. Journal of Marine Systems, 92: 53-66. pdf
Thyssen M., Ferreyra G. A., Moreau S., Schloss I. R., Denis M. and Demers S. 2011. Combined effects of ultraviolet radiations B and temperature increase on phytoplankton dynamics and cell cycle using pulse shape recording flow cytometry. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 406: 95-107. Link
Moreau S., G. A. Ferreyra, B. Mercier, K. Lemarchand, M. Lionard, S. Roy, B. Mostajir, S. Roy, B. Van Hardenberg and S. Demers. 2010. Variability of the microbial community in the western Antarctic Peninsula from late fall to spring during a low ice cover year. Polar Biology 33(12): 1599-1614. Link
Moreau S., G. A. Ferreyra, and S. Demers (2009). Sedna IV mission in the western Antarctic Peninsula: first results from winter 2006. Newsletter of the Canadian Antarctic Research network: 10-13
Moreau, S., Péron C., Pitt, K.A., Connolly, R.M., Lee, S.Y. and Méziane, T. 2008. Opportunistic predation by small fishes on epibiota of jetty pilings in urban waterways. Journal of Fish Biology 72: 205-217. pdf
Book chapter:
Moreau S., Vidussi F., Ferreyra G. A. and Mostajir B. Ecological impacts of ultraviolet-B radiation on marine ecosystems. In edition. In “Stressors in the Marine Environment”, eds. Martin Solan and Nia Whiteley, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.